

执行打包通过smp 日志可以看到,速度慢主要集中在耗时23mins左右的 css-loader, mini-css-extract-plugin, postcss-loader, sass-loader 这几个loader中。

通过对比 23mins, 17mins, 10mins 等,取公共部分,进一步缩小问题范围,可以大概确定打包速度慢主要是 postcss-loader 的问题。

 SMP  ⏱
General output time took 30 mins, 59.55 secs

 SMP  ⏱  Plugins
TerserPlugin took 2 mins, 41.67 secs
DllReferencePlugin took 2.2 secs
ProvidePlugin took 0.331 secs

 SMP  ⏱  Loaders
mini-css-extract-plugin, and
css-loader, and
postcss-loader, and
sass-loader took 23 mins, 36.78 secs
  module count = 1
css-loader, and
postcss-loader, and
sass-loader took 23 mins, 36.52 secs
  module count = 1
mini-css-extract-plugin, and
css-loader, and
postcss-loader took 17 mins, 31.02 secs
  module count = 14
css-loader, and
postcss-loader took 17 mins, 30.93 secs
  module count = 14
cache-loader, and
vue-loader took 10 mins, 27.67 secs
  module count = 2149
vue-loader, and
cache-loader, and
thread-loader, and
babel-loader, and
cache-loader, and
vue-loader took 9 mins, 14.56 secs
  module count = 1432
css-loader, and
vue-loader, and
postcss-loader took 5 mins, 29.27 secs
  module count = 4
cache-loader, and
thread-loader, and
babel-loader took 3 mins, 18.14 secs

检查项目 postcss.config.js 文件,发现主要是引入了 tailwindcss,因此做先做测试定位问题,注释掉引入tailwindcss的代码

module.exports = {
	plugins: [


SMP  ⏱
General output time took 47.83 secs

 SMP  ⏱  Plugins
TerserPlugin took 1.11 secs
DllReferencePlugin took 0.681 secs
ProvidePlugin took 0.064 secs

 SMP  ⏱  Loaders
mini-css-extract-plugin, and
css-loader, and
postcss-loader, and
sass-loader took 33.17 secs
  module count = 1
css-loader, and
postcss-loader, and
sass-loader took 33.034 secs
  module count = 1

可以看到,build时间骤降值1分钟内,所以现在就是 如何解决tailwindcss打包问题?

查阅资料后,最终定位到 purgecss 问题,官方文档也有这样一段描述:

When building for production, you should always use Tailwind's purge option to tree-shake unused styles and optimize your final build size. When removing unused styles with Tailwind, it's very hard to end up with more than 10kb of compressed CSS

所以最后需要引入 purgecss 库减少编译体积,减少执行时间

npm i -D @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss

update postcss.config.js

const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
const tailwindcss = require("tailwindcss");
const postcssPurgecss = require(`@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss`);

const purgecss = postcssPurgecss({
	// Specify the paths to all of the template files in your project.
	content: [`./public/**/*.html`, `./src/**/*.vue`],
	// Include any special characters you're using in this regular expression.
	// See: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/controlling-file-size/#understanding-the-regex
	defaultExtractor: content => content.match(/[\w-/:]+(?<!:)/g) || [],
	whitelistPatterns: [

module.exports = {
	plugins: [
		...process.env.NODE_ENV === `production`
      ? [purgecss]
      : [],

执行build,输出日志如下,可以看到最终打包耗时 3min 左右,还有继续优化的空间,会在后续的文章中分享。

 SMP  ⏱
General output time took 3 mins, 15.86 secs

 SMP  ⏱  Plugins
TerserPlugin took 1.21 secs
DllReferencePlugin took 0.784 secs
ProvidePlugin took 0.058 secs

 SMP  ⏱  Loaders
vue-loader, and
mini-css-extract-plugin, and
css-loader, and
postcss-loader, and
sass-loader, and
cache-loader, and
vue-loader took 3 mins, 4.059 secs
  module count = 320
css-loader, and
vue-loader, and
postcss-loader, and
sass-loader, and
cache-loader, and
vue-loader took 3 mins, 4.029 secs
  module count = 160
vue-loader, and
mini-css-extract-plugin, and
css-loader, and
postcss-loader, and
cache-loader, and
vue-loader took 3 mins, 3.71 secs
  module count = 190


tailwindcss docs purgecss Setting up Tailwind CSS with Vue.js